- Harus punyai akal yang bergeliga. Apa maknanya? Akal kita harus disinari dan disuluhi dengan ilmu-ilmu yang benar, sahih dan betul. Namun, ia tidak cukup sekadar itu – hati juga harus dicahayakan dengan amalan soleh agar akan terus menerus bersih, jernih dan putih. Akal dan hati – ia punyai hubungan “istimewa” antara keduanya.
- Memiliki sifat bersungguh-sungguh yang luar biasa. Buang jauh-jauh sifat malas, culas dan sambil lewa. Asas kepada bersungguh-sungguh ini ialah tekun, cekal dan gagah. Tanpa usaha segigih ini, janganlah kita mengharapkan apa-apa keajaiban dalam kehidupan kita yang singkat ini.
- Merasai diri kita ini serba kekurangan dan kekerdilan. Kita akui kita ini kerdil, kecil dan tiada apa-apa. Kita tahu batasan kelemahan kita dan bermula dari situ kita melonjak naik dengan perasaan sentiasa “sedar diri.” Tidak ego, bongkak dan sombong. Rendah diri adalah rahsia insan-insan yang hebat zaman berzaman.
- Banyak bermusafir dan mengembara di perantauan. – Maknanya, belajar jauh-jauh daripada kampong halaman. Kerana apa? Kita akan dapat dua perkara serentak iaitu ilmu dan juga semangat berdikari.
- Harus dipandu oleh mentor, ustaz atau mursyid. Untuk cemerlang, kita wajib mempunyai guru yang membimbing, membetulkan dan menyantuni kita. Asas ini penting dalam usaha-usaha menuntut ilmu. Perlu ada guru dan anak murid. Jika tidak, syaitanlah yang menjadi tok guru kita. Awas dalam bab ini.
- Dan, akhirnya tempoh masa yang panjang. Untuk berjaya, menjadi pakar dan mahir dalam sesuatu perkara ia memakan masa yang lama. Justeru itu, memperuntukan masa untuk belajar sehingga ke peringkat tertinggi adalah modal utama untuk menjadi seorang yang berjaya di masa hadapan.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
6 kunci kejayaan
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Top 6 Tips to Strengthen your Memory
The capacity of memory in the brain to store, process and recall information is truly a wondrous blessing of Allah. We use our memory to gain beneficial knowledge; we also use our memory to recall the mistakes we’ve made in the past and learn from them to become better.
For instance, remembering how we may have spent time during Ramadan unproductively last year may motivate us to utilize time fruitfully this Ramadan.
Many associate aging with memory loss, but it doesn’t have to be that way as demonstrated by +80 grandparents who complete memorization of The Qur’an! The following are some tips to strengthen your memory:
• Use it or Lose it
Treat you brain as a muscle – if you want to keep it fit and agile, you have to use it. Reading books, memorizing Qur’an, memorizing beneficial knowledge, and prayer are all the best way for Muslims to exercise their mind. The sense of being closer to Allah (The Exalted) will also protect us from depression which has negative effects on the mind. If you like, you could also try other academic exercises or mental challenges for fun.
• Brain Food
A well-balanced diet is beneficial to keep your memory at its best. A recent study conducted in France has found that use of olive oil improves visual memory and verbal fluency. The virtue of the olive is also mentioned in The Qur’an, and Allah (The All-Wise) takes an oath by this special food (95:1). Foods that contain high omega-3 content, such as salmon, are also important for the memory and brain function. Furthermore, your memory needs adequate sugar and vitamins that most of that will naturally be in your diet (if it’s not, try honey, dates, blueberries, and almonds).
• Healthy Body for a Healthy Mind
Physical exercises, especially aerobic ones, are beneficial to keep the mind alert and healthy. If you can’t do aerobic exercises, the good news is that a moderate amount of walking on daily basis can keep the mind healthy too. Indeed, walking for most people is pretty easy to maintain as a regular activity (even taking the stairs instead of the elevator exercises your body).
• Rest
Taking a nap improves memory and mood, promotes physical well-being, and sharpen senses. Napping has many benefits so taking a 15-30 minute before or after Zhuhr should significantly affect your intellectual performance, energy level, and plus – it’s sunnah!
• Get an Adequate Amount of Sleep
Recent German research lab finds that sleep helps memory shaping. Sleep is needed to clear the brain’s short-term memory storage and create space for new information. Sleep and nighttime is yet another mercy and blessing from Allah, The Most Generous:
”It is out of His Mercy that He has put for you night and day, that you may rest therein (i.e. during the night) and that you may seek of His Bounty (i.e. during the day), and in order that you may be grateful.” [28: 73]
• Ask for it
If you want a good memory, ask Al-Mujib (The Answerer of Prayers). Ask Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) for what you need – beneficial knowledge, understanding, good memory.
Our memory is indeed a true blessing of Allah, and we should be grateful for it. To show our appreciation, let us keep it healthy and use it for beneficial purposes that lead us to get closer to Allah, The Most Merciful.
References :
1. Rauchs, G. et al. 2011. Sleep contributes to the strengthening of some memories over others, depending on hippocampal activity at learning. J. Neuroscience. 31 (7): 2563-2568.
2. “The Memory Cure – How to Protect Your Brain Against Memory Loss & Alzheimer’s Disease” by Majid Fotuhi, M. D., PH. D. McGraw- Hill, 2003.
3. “Keep Your Brain Young” by Guy McKhann, M.D & Marilyn Albert, Ph.D. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2002.
About the author
Rushda Abraham is a French Muslim Woman Magazine journalist.
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Monday, August 8, 2011
Motivasi buat huffaz
::Ikhwan GEN9::
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