Thursday, April 22, 2010


(van ini bukanlah van yang dimaksudkan)

Sedang asyik menghayati keindahan taman perumahan kesayanganku ni, terlihat sebijik van yang pernah berjasa pada aku.5 tahun dulu,tiap-tiap hari,siap solat Subuh je,van tu dah pun parking kat depan rumah.Semata-mata nak hantar aku dan kakak aku ke sekolah.Van tu,sangat syahdu rupenya.Tidaklah cantik mana.Tapi,pemandu van tu laaaaaagi syahdu.Pak cik tu sungguh determined untuk bawak kami semua ke sekolah,walaupun dia seorang penghidap PARKINSON!Bayangkan seorang Parkinson bawak van.Nak tukar gear dengan tangan terketar-ketar.Nak tekan brek dengan kaki terketar-ketar.Banyak kali juga nyawa kami hampir terancam,tapi dengan coolnye pak cik tu menyelamatkan keadaan.

Dulu aku ingat penyakit Parkinson penyakit yang boleh membawa maut(hakikatnya,yang tak sakit pun boleh maut).Dengan keadaa fizikal pesakit yang kebanyakannye menggeletar,dalam fikiran aku,'Tak lame dah ni'.Tapi, silap rupanya.

Jom review sedikit sebanyak mengenai Parkinson ni.

(Muhammad Ali dan Michael J Fox,antara penghidap penyakit Parkinson)

Em,kite wat dalam English ek.Semua dalam mood MUET sekarang kan?=)

What Is Parkinson Disease(PD)?
Parkinson is a type of neurological disorder that affects your movement, due to problems with certain nerve cells in the brain.Under normal circumstances, these nerve cells produce a chemical called dopamine which sends signals to parts of the brain that control movement.This natural process allows smooth, controlled movements according to what you want them to do.

In a person with PD, these nerve cells break down, resulting in insufficient dopamine and problems in communicating the desired movements to the brain.As the result, a person with PD has trouble moving.

What Are The Factors That Cause PD?
Scientists largely believe that most of PD cases are not caused by genes alone, but rather by one or more genetic factors combined with exposure to one or more environmental neurotoxins such as pesticides.These factors include:
  • Increasing Age - 1 out of 100 people over 60 years develop PD, but it can also affected people as young as 20 years.Statitiscally, men are more likely to develop the disease than women.
  • Family History of PD - genetic mutation is a possible cause for PD but researchers are still trying to determine if a single gene or group of genes is responsible.
  • Exposure To Toxins In The Environment - This has not been conclusively proven but many suspect that chemicals or toxins play a role in causing the brain damage that leads to PD.
Treatment And Management
There are several suggested treatment for PD.However, each aptient experiences the disease differently, some may find certain types or combination more effective than others.Patients have to consult with their doctors to find out which treatment is suitable for them.
  • Dopamine Replacement Therapies (Levodopa) - most effective treatment for motor symptom.This form of therapy is converted by enzymes in the brain to produce dopamine.Dopamine replacement therapy significantly improves mobility and allows patient to function relatively normally.
  • Dopamine Agonists(Pramipexole)
  • COMT-inhibitors - This form of therapy is used together with Levodopa to allow a larger amount of treatment to reach the brain, thus raising dopamine levels there.
  • MAO-inhibitors - used alone or in conjuction with Levodopa
  • Surgery
  • Non-pharmacological Approaches - exercise, speech therapy, physiotherapy, counselling.

2 pandangan:

munirah.zulkifli said...

i laaaaaiiiiikk...

p/s : jgn jdge org awl2..tgk..hidup lame jugak..ajal maut tgn Tuhan~=)

.:. NaiMy .:. said...

hai..kt blog pn main like2 ek..

betoi 2..( mnx maap pakcik slh sangke..isk3 =( )

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